Birth control is a new technology that is much better than In-clinic abortion and it is also known as contraception. Although birth control has been used since ancient times, efficient and safe birth control techniques were only accessible in the twentieth century. Family planning refers to the process of planning, making birth control available, and utilizing it. Some cultures and religions restrict access to birth control because they think it is unethical.
Methods of birth control:
The most effective birth control is the one that prevents conception efficiently while also fitting into your lifestyle. The most effective method of preventing pregnancy is to use a male condom in conjunction with another type of birth control which is also known as extra protection. There are different birth control options such as IUDs, birth control tablets, vasectomy, Condoms, and tubal ligation.
Here you will know about different birth control techniques and how they work in general. The following are examples of methods:
The barrier is the kind of birth control technique that is placed on or in your body (in the vagina or on the penis) before intercourse to prevent sperm from reaching the egg. Condom is the most effective type of barrier to safe sexual intercourse.
A diaphragm with spermicidal effects is a barrier in which you place sperm-killing jelly onto a dome-shaped disc and insert it into your vagina to cover your cervix. It shows the immediate effect for up to 2 hours.
You and your partner decide whether you want a child or not and make to prevent becoming pregnant. You and your partner may avoid sexual intercourse completely to prevent pregnancy and this is called abstinence. There are other voluntary methods to avoid pregnancy such as avoid intercourse during some women’s cycles points when there is a high chance of getting pregnant called fertility awareness, or remove the penis from the vagina before ejaculation called withdrawal.
The hormonal birth control technique is a method to change the chemistry of a woman’s body. It alters the hormones so it prevents the ovaries from producing eggs, thins the uterine lining or, thickens the mucus surrounding the cervix to prevent sperm from accessing the egg.
A birth control implant is a type of hormonal birth control technique. In this technique, your doctor inserts a matchstick-sized rod containing progestin under the skin of your arm using a needle. It is long-term protection against pregnancy but it causes unhealthy weight gain and changes in your menstruation pattern.
A vaginal ring is also a type of hormonal birth control technique in which a flexible plastic ring is inserted into your vaginal canal. Progestin and estrogen are released.
Sterilization technique:
Sterilization is the most complicated technique of birth control in which gynecologists clamped, tied, blocked, or sealed both fallopian tubes that connect a woman’s ovaries and uterus. Tying tubes or Tubal ligation is another name for it. It is a permanent method but it does not prevent STDs.
Every couple has their desires and needs for sexual intercourse but they also want to avoid first-trimester abortion clinics DC. Birth control technique is the best to fulfill your sexual desires by avoiding unnecessary pregnancies and abortions. It varies from person to person, what works for you might not work for everyone. Your requirements may shift over time according to your desires.